Project 42
Running 42 marathons for charity
In 2020, the year I turned 42, I ran 42 marathons for charity. It all sounded very simple: On my road I did get many extra challenges, but I have always remained positive and was able to run my last marathon on December 23rd.
Thanks to many friends, acquaintances, family and also new friends, I have collected a total of CHF 6000,- for Licht für die Welt. With this amount they can perform 200 cataract surgeries, so that 200 people are given the light in the eyes again.
Below you can see and read my report and video about this special year. Be inspired, not only by our beautiful mountain world, but also to do that little bit extra, something special for your fellow man or nature.
Of course you can still contribute to Licht für die Welt, as they remain committed and pursue their vision of fully integrating people with disabilities into society.
The Charity project
Light for the world
Below you can find an overview of all the marathons I ran last year in the press Felsenstrasse 10Report
The marathons
1 18-01-2020
Heidiland - Tamina Schlucht
Bad RagazThe first marathon. Running easy, mostly flat to the beautiful Tamina Gorges. Running went easy, looking forward to do this almost every week 45 km
800 hm
3:15Strava 2 25-01-2020
Walensee heen en weer
WeesenThe second run. Decided to go along the Walensee and back again. So a bit of a flat run, unfortunately sometimes a bit icy on the road. In fact this is the boring side of the lake, but I wanted to avoid the snow at the other side. Did run a bit slower as last week, but steady 43 km
700 hm
3:19Strava 3 31-01-2020
Reichenburg - Walensee
ReichenburgRunning home from the indoor playground. This time on the most beautiful side of the lake. It is always a joy to run this stunning part with the Betlis falls and 2 climbs on the way. The last climb did not go that smooth, but finished happy again 42 km
1200 hm
3:33Strava 4 09-02-2020
Spitzmeilenhütte - wintertrails
FlumserbergThe wintertrails in Flumserberg were in good conditions to make a full marathon distance on them. Only the part up to spitzmeilenhütte was a bit soft, so took some effort to get through. Running on snow is hard when it is too soft, so I was very happy that most of the trails were prepared really well. I did finish in the dark, but with a small torchlight the snow helps to see really well. This was really amazing 42 km
1800 hm
4:19Strava 5 17-02-2020
Liechtenstein - Luzisteig
FlumsLiechtenstein is just a small distance away from our house. The run I made today is actually a round that we cycle more often. Not to much of elevation, so could make some speed and even ran under 3 hours : ) Fun to run another country from your doorstep 42 km
500 hm
2:56Strava 6 03-03-2020
Weisstannen - Vermol
FlumsWeistannen is a hidden valley between Flumserberg and Pizol skiarea. The valley is quiet and therefore really wonderfull. In Winter the road up till Weistannen is open, so still possible to run upwards, enjoying the mountains in snow around it. Felt fit today, so could make a fast marathon again 42 km
930 hm
3:21Strava 7 08-03-2020
Helmond - Rosmalen
RosmalenI could not stay home with the idea of my mother getting 70 years old and not be there. So decided to go to the Netherlands last minute together with Imke. I went to Helmond where my grandmother used to live and my mother was born, to run back to Rosmalen where she lives now. Being in the flatlands, this was a good possibility to run a fast marathon again 45 km
30 hm
3:02Strava 8 18-03-2020
Jubileumsweg - Regitzer Spits
FlumsThe Jubileumsweg is a route from Flums to Sargans that was used over 1200 years ago to connect the fortresses. It is a great path that can be run all year round. The regitzer Spitz is a well known (small) peak that gives a great view over the rhine valley. And finally Pfäffers is one of the villages in the Tamina valley. I combined the tours to run a full marathon again, today it took me some more effort 42 km
1600 hm
4:00Strava 9 25-03-2020
Walensee Marathon
WalenstadtRunning around the Walensee is almost a marathon distance. So I only had to extend it for a few kilometer to make it a great marathon again. The lake is always beautiful, so it was a joy to run around it again 43 km
1600 hm
3:30Strava 10 04-04-2020
Social distance run for Lyme
FlumsToday I did run for Lyme instead of Light for the world. I did run at the same time with Edwin Verdurmen, who was running in the Netherlands, with the goal to run as far as possible in 5 hours, or at least 50km. We both did run over 50km, while I even put 2000 meters of elevation in my route: part of the Rheintaler höhenweg from Sargans to Wildhaus. A very nice route to explore the mountains along the Rhine valley. Unfortunately I lost track in snow near wildhaus, so had to improvise a bit, but was very happy to finish the 50km in Wildhaus 50 km
2100 hm
4:47Strava 11 11-04-2020
FlumsI have been cycling the Tamina Valley often, especially to the Gigerwald Stausee. Also together with Sanne and Johan 44 km
1700 hm
3:54Strava 12 19-04-2020
Weesen - Talalpsee
WeesenLast week I did make a fall on my tailbone and therefore did not finish the marathon. This week I did start again, even though I did still had some pain. Therefore I did start a bit slower, but on the way did find it though to really push on. Also going down was hard, since it still hurted. The biggest mistake was that I did run a bit different and therewith did force my Achilles too much. I did finish the marathon, but had to take a time out from running afterwards. The talalpsee is beautifull by the way 42 km
1000 hm
3:51Strava 13 06-05-2020
Gonzen - Alvier
FlumsSince I did have some injuries in the last weeks, I decided to walk a full marathon distance, testing my body again. This went very well, allthough I found it taking so long to walk that far. I did make a lot of elevation in the start, just for the fun of it and to enjoy our mountains. Alvier was a bit rough, while it still had a lot of snow, making it hard to get through some sections. So the first 16km took me 5 hours! The rest of the walk I did use eassier paths to continu and get back home before darkness : ) The downhill was very slippery in some parts, so running was not an option there anyway. I managed to run a bit in the last 10km and felt very happy that I did not feel much of the Achilles anymore 42 km
3000 hm
8:00Strava 14 17-05-2020
7 Gipfel tour. Guscha - Leist
Flums7 Gipfel Tour extreme Edition: Guscha Gratweg, Prodkamm, Masschenkamm, Ziger, Leist, Chili Guslen, gross guslen. Mostly walking upwards, running downwards except for some snow fields and 1 unexpected Alke paadje. 45 km
3500 hm
5:42Strava 15 23-05-2020
Klöntalersee - Talalpsee
FlumsA beautiful lake to start, first downhill, then a 1500m climb to Fronalppass. The plan was to run along Schwarzstöckli and down via Murgseen, but the weather got really bad, so decided to go down a bit earlier before the storm took off. Got soaking wet anyway, but at least avoided getting into trouble on high alpine in thunderstorm. So had to finish in the flat part along the lake 43 km
1900 hm
4:05Strava 16 31-05-2020
11 Peaks Solo
SolothurnRunning the 11PeaksSolo or in Dutch: Ronnies Rondje. An extreme Solo Ultra over 11 peaks around Solothurn. The place is all about the number eleven, therefore, this roundtrip counts 11 peaks and starts and finishes on the 3x 11 stairs of the church in the city centre. Finishing the round under 11:11:11 is rewarded with a local beer, unfortunately I did not make it in time : (. Nevertheless it was an extraordinary round, self navigated with over 5.500 meter of elevation. I am proud that I did finish it in just over 12 hours, being one of the thoughest races I did 82 km
5600 hm
12:23Strava 17 06-06-2020
7 Gipfel tour
FlumsDid run the 7 Gipfel Tour with Roos and Wijnand in a low pace. For me it was some sort of recovery from lats weeks ultra. Was great to be running with friends again and fun guiding them through one of our beautiful tours 42 km
2600 hm
5:16Strava 18 13-06-2020
Flums - Chur
ChurSince a long time, I decided to run a flat marathon again. Just to see if I can still run the distance in a fast pace. But also because the mountains were hidden in clouds today. I could run in an almost constant 4:00 pace, what makes me very happy, still feeling strong and confident that I will be able to continue this project. 42 km
200 hm
2:51Strava 19 21-06-2020
Prodalp - Murgseen
FlumsFrom Prodalp over Abedweid to the Murgseen. A great tour to run. Today I did not feel very fit, so started slowly, but got into some better pace after a while. Had to struggle through some snow fields, but that made it a great tour to the lakes. From there it was mainly down, so easy to make the km needed 42 km
1300 hm
4:03Strava 20 05-07-2020
6/7 Hills
FlumsRunning all 7 Churfirsten has been on my list for a very long time. Finnaly I took the opportunity to run this 50km route with 5000hm together with Peter. Unfortunately I did get so overtired that I decided to skip one mountain and continue to Chässerugg, while Peter completed the route. Even though I was very happy to run this route finally and will come back again for a new attempt 47 km
4600 hm
11:20Strava 21 11-07-2020
Rheinquelle Trail
SedrunFinally a race! So happy to meet other trailrunners again and to race. Did expect to be under 6 hours and maybe top 10, but competition was strong and I felt not in the best condition, but am very happy with the result. Completing the trail in 5:43 and a bonus 300m lap to complete the marathon 42 km
3100 hm
5:43Strava 22 01-08-2020
WalenstadtbergToday I did walk a lot, to save my achilles, but also to get revanche on the 7 Churfirsten. This time I did succeed on all 7 hills, making me very happy. It was a perfect day, maybe a bit hot. But I was prepared and got through really well. 43 km
4800 hm
7:50Strava 23 09-08-2020
WildhausThe Alpstein is a very beautifull area between Toggenburg and Appenzellerland. The säntis is a well known peak where the walking tracks change to climbing parts. It was a bit disappointing to be among the tourists on the peak of Säntis, but the track and the mountains surrounding were fantastic. Including the Seealpsee and Rotsteinpass. 42 km
3100 hm
5:47Strava 24 16-08-2020
FlumsRunning to Spitzmeilen from home, makes a great loop around Hochfinsler through Cholschlagtal, going up on Guli and than further around untill Spitzmeilen and Wissmeilen. From there an easy way back through Schilstal back home. Had good company today with Wouter Berghuis 44 km
2700 hm
5:17Strava 25 23-08-2020
Haldensteiner Calanda
PfäffersHad to start slow again due to my Achilles and was not very motivated, also because the mountain peaks were in the clouds. However, from the moment I started climbing, the fun was back again and went on to the top even without having the views. So could complete the marathon in a good time at the end 42 km
3000 hm
5:23Strava 26 30-08-2020
KlostersHad a bad start, could not really get into a steady pace upwards. Also did hurt one off my shints on the first downhill, which slowed me on all the other downhills as well (I'm not a quick downhiller anyways). But the 2nd part, was very runnable and I did have the energy to speed up and get a much better position back. Finishing on 12th place (3rd in age group) 47 km
2600 hm
5:19Strava 27 05-09-2020
Flims - Martinsloch
FlimsInspired by the round Kim did, I thought it would be great to do a round in Flims. And yes, it was great. On the way down from Fil de Cassons I did have to improvise due to a closed track (rockfall) so did got back to Bargis alternatively. Flims and the Sardona tectonic area are amazing. It was an easy runnable track. 42 km
2500 hm
5:21Strava 28 12-09-2020
OberemsA perfect day in a very beautiful area with the best company ever : ) all the way up to 3614 meter on the Barrhorn, where I proposed 12 years ago. Now enjoying the feeling again while running between the hight alpine mountains 42 km
2400 hm
6:00Strava 29 08-11-2020
AthensThis was a very crazy trip. Flying to Athens to run the official marathon. While greece being in lockdown mode, we did obey the rules and stayed 2 meter from each other while running the reversed track back to marathon. The place where it all started. Having a 1st time marathoner with us did slow us down, but that was perfect as a recovery marathon. 42 km
400 hm
4:31Strava 30 11-11-2020
Backyard marathon
FlumsThis was a very crazy thing to do. I tested positive for Covid-19 last monday, so I have to stay in quarantaine for 10 days. Nevertheless I did plan to run a marathon twice a week, so the only solution to this is running a backyard marathon. I am very lucky that the plot of land where our house is located on, is almost 8.000 sqm, so I could make a lap of 360m. Avoiding getting close to neighbours. I did switch direction every ten laps, in total about 120. This also proves that being tested positiv for corona can also happen to very fit people, without even knowing or feeling it. Please see this also as a warning, even when you feel fit, keep distance! 42 km
300 hm
3:22Strava 31 15-11-2020
Backyard marathon 2
FlumsOk, still in quarantaine. Do had to do it again 42 km
300 hm
3:23Strava 32 18-11-2020
Lusis - Sennis - Palfries
FlumsFirst mountain marathon since a log time. I did not have much power in the uphill and somehow on the downhill my muscles hurted much more then I had in all of the marathons. So it was a bit of a struggle, but did enjoy the views anyway 42 km
1900 hm
4:40Strava 33 22-11-2020
Walensee Marathon
WalenstadtSince I do get to know more and more runners, I was happy to got some good company for my run today. Because there was a lot of snow on the mountains, we decided to stay low and made the loop around the walensee once more. Thanks Nina and Maarten for joining me 42 km
1500 hm
4:48Strava 34 25-11-2020
Molseralp - Chapfensee
FlumserbergToday the clouds (unternebel) did make the day look gray and boring. I was so happy that I could run up and above the clouds to enjoy the sun while looking down on a big pack of clouds. I could not go up much further, because I would hit parts of ice up there, so this was a great in between run. 42 km
1700 hm
4:10Strava 35 29-11-2020
Alp Tschingla + Paxmal
FlumsInvited some Dutch trailrunners to join me on the run. And was so happy to have great company. We had to go up over 1500m. to get out of the clouds and it was more then worth it. 42 km
2300 hm
6:00Strava 36 02-12-2020
Every single street
FlumsRunning every street in my village (zipcode 8890) 43 km
1000 hm
3:50Strava 37 06-12-2020
Küblis - Flums
KüblisStart was easy going downhill, mostly on snowtracks. However about 5km was really icy. After getting near Landquart the ice / Snow was over (except the nice Frozen fall) and enjoyed nice tracks via Malans and Jenins. Then the cold Rain came back, making the last part Not That much fun. However could keep a Good Pace all the way. 44 km
150 hm
3:18Strava 38 09-12-2020
FlumsSince all tracks are in deep snow or very muddy, I had to stick to the road. A Round that I normally cycle, is the Luzisteig, going through Liechtenstein. The climb on the road was really slippy, fortunately the rest of the route was in good condition. But cold and wet. 42 km
430 hm
3:16Strava 39 13-12-2020
Zürichsee - Flums
SchmerikonBeing a cloudy day again, I decided to run a flat marathon, starting on the shore of Zürichsee, all the way back to Flums in a decend pace. Could not stay on a below 3 pace, but that was just fine. Only 3 to go : ) 42 km
176 hm
3:04Strava 40 16-12-2020
Every single snowtrail
FlumserbergThe second time that I run all snowtrails on Flumserberg. Like the concept of ESS, but than fully on snow. A beautiful day to be running on the snow. Just sometimes a bit icy, but mostly good runnable 42 km
1230 hm
4:07Strava 41 19-12-2020
Green marathon
ZürichThe green marathon in Zürich together with the 100 marathon club and Pablo 43 km
900 hm
3:39Strava 42 23-12-2020
Base Everest
FlumsBase Everesting Verachta as the big final marathon. In good company with several friends running once or twice with me. 42 km
4850 hm
7:09Strava 42 Total
Total Distance:
1843 / 1843 kmElevation:
18.05.2020 Sarganserländer Der Marathon-Marathon-Mann
06.10.2020 20 Minuten Dieser Mann will in einem Jahr 42 Marathons laufen
07.10.2020 Licht für die Welt
42 Marathons in einem Jahr. Die Einnahmen gehen an Licht für die Welt.
13.10.2020 FM1 Today Wahnsinnsprojekt: 42 Marathons zum 42. Geburtstag
17.10.2020 Tagblatt / Luzerner Zeitung / Aargauer Zeitung
Die Bieridee eines Hausmanns: Er will im Jahr, in dem er 42 wird, 42 Marathons laufen – und schenkt damit Menschen das Augenlicht
21.10.2020 Tagesanzeiger
Warum nicht in der Schweiz den Mount Everest besteigen?
13.11.2020 Sarganserländer Lauf gegen die Zeit
16.01.2021 Licht für die Welt
Hunderte Augenlichter gerettet mit 42 Marathons in einem Jahr,
18.01.2021 20 Minuten 42 Marathons in einem Jahr sind 6000 Franken wert
23.01.2021 FM1 Today Trotz Corona und Verletzung: Flumser schafft 42 Marathons
22.01.2021 FM1 Today Hunderte Augenlichter mit 42 Marathons in einem Jahr gerettet
21.01.2021 Sarganserländer Gelaufen um zu helfen
Maarten Hendriks
8890 Flums